Register- och sekretesspolicy i enlighet med EU:s allmänna dataskyddsförordning (GDPR). Upprättad 30.10.2015.


Helsinkimissio ry

VAT nummer: 0116487-5

Adress: Albertinkatu 33, 00180 Helsinki

Telefonen: 09-2528 2711

Kontaktpersonen i frågor som rör register

Kontaktpersonen: viestintäpäällikkö Kristiina Backberg

Registers namn

Helsinkimissio ry Clara-systemets kunddatabas.

Purpose of processing the personal data

The purpose of the register is the data storage and processing of persons associated with the Clara customer relationship management system. People entered into the system are for example

  • Volunteers
  • Customers of volunteering tasks
  • Employees of the organization
  • Stakeholder contact

Information content

The register may contain the following information:

  • Contact information, such as name, address, phone number and e-mail address
  • Registration information, such as username, password or any other unique identification
  • Date of birth, gender
  • Marketing rights
  • Bank account numbers of donors
  • History of contacts (e.g. phone calls and meetings)
  • Events and their partisipants (e.g. trips and seminars)
  • Interview and training history

Sources of information

The sources of information are the people themselves, as well as the persons involved in coordination of voluntary work.

Information is obtained by person herself/himself upon registration, or when person becomes a member of the registrar, a worker, a volunteer, a donor or is participating in any activity in which e.g. the name, address and telephone registration is necessary (e.g. trips). Person's acquisition of registrar services, such as training or calendars. Person's participation in campaigns.

If a person uses an external registry maintained by a third party service to registration or log in, data from the external service may be collected in accordance with the service terms of use and privacy regulations (such as your username and email address).

Regular destinations of disclosed data

The use of stored data is limited to the registrar's own use and will not be disclosed to third parties without the permission of the person.

Transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

Information is not disclosed.

Principles of data protection

The register is kept in secure system protected by technical measures and databases are located in locked and guarded premises. The right to process personal data is entitled only to employees who work on behalf of the registrar. The register can be used only with personal user ID and password. Data is processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act § 32 and § 33 to protect the confidentiality.

Right of access to personal data

A person has the right to check their information in accordance with the Personal Data Act § 26. The request must be in writing and signed, delivered to the contact person mentioned as the responsible for the registrar. The registrar is entitled to charge a reasonable fee for provision of information, if less than one year has passed since the last time the requestor got the information for review.
